Transform 2025

Envisioning Your Fitness Transformation

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Could 2025 be the year you achieve the health and fitness breakthroughs you’ve been wanting? 

I think it could be! Let’s talk about it.

Welcome to the LenDentonThrive Letter, my weekly newsletter for busy 50+ guys who want to lose weight, get fit, and stay fit for life (without crazy diets or grueling workouts)!

How would it feel to finally lose 20, 30, or 40 pounds? Or, even more? 

Imagine how good it will feel when you swap those pants with the 38-inch waist for some 32s! 

Think about running into an old friend you haven’t seen in a while and they can’t believe it's you -  because you’re so much slimmer and trimmer!

I know that feeling…it’s awesome! 

I know because I used to be that Big Guy. Then, I lost 70+ pounds… in just 7 months! 

My friends were shocked! 

Some of them were actually worried about me! But, I wasn’t sick. 

I looked better… I felt better… because I was healthier than I’d been in 20 years!

Yeah… I know that feeling! 

It’s so good that I wish I could share it with everybody!

It’s so good that it’s become my personal mission to help as many guys as possible to experience that feeling for themselves!

Which brings me to 2025…

I have this gigantic goal to help a million 50+ guys experience the feeling of finally achieving their own fitness transformations! But, 1 million transformations is a big goal, so it might not happen in 2025!

But, it could happen for you! And, maybe a few of your closest friends!

But, only if you change things up.

Don’t do the same thing you do every year. Don’t make another New Year’s resolution to eat better and go to the gym and whatever else you’ve told yourself in the past. 

Diets don’t work for more than a few months. Then, all the weight comes back. 

And, most guys either burn out or injure themselves before they see any benefits from the heavy-lifting sessions at the gym. 

If you want a different outcome…choose a different path!

Do this instead.

Let me show you how to build a ThriveLife. The ThriveLife is my science-backed,  food-first approach to building a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. 

The ThriveLife isn’t built on crazy diets or grueling workouts. The ThriveLife is about eating plenty of delicious, healthy foods and doing enjoyable, moderate exercise. 

Best of all, starvation and burnout are not included in the ThriveLife. 

The ThriveLife is the same approach I used 10 years ago that enabled me to lose those 70+ pounds in only 7 months.

I did this without dieting…without going to the gym even once. 

The ThriveLife helped me go from being The Big Guy to the “Holy Cow - You Look Great” Guy.

(Please trust me that I’m not trying to be braggy here. I’m sharing some real-life feedback I received from my friends. And, to demonstrate the dramatic effect the ThriveLife had on me!)

And now, ten years later, my ThriveLife is still going strong. I’ve maintained my weight and I’m even healthier than I was back then. I feel like I’m 66 going on 46!

(Try that feeling on for a minute!) 

This is my smarter, not harder way to live a healthy life. It works for me every day.

And, it can work for you, too. 

That’s why I’m convinced that 2025 really could be the year you achieve the health and fitness transformation you’ve been looking for.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing some exciting news about new programs to help you make 2025 your Year of Transformation.

To kick things off, I’m launching an affordable new Food First course. The goal of the course is to finally enable you to put food to work for you and your fitness instead of always working against you. You can get all of the details by clicking the button below.

And, I’m really excited to tell you that I’ll be launching a new ThriveLife community in January to help you and your friends build and achieve your fitness transformations. Stay tuned for details!

I think 2025 could be your healthiest year yet! Let’s work together to build your ThriveLife.

Smarter, not harder.

When you’re ready to begin your transformation, here are three ways I can help…

#1 - Sign up for this newsletter. Every week, you’ll receive tested, actionable tips and strategies to help you build your own customized version of the ThriveLife that fits your needs, preferences, and personal style. And, it’s free!

#2 - For the Do-It-Yourself approach to the ThriveLife, you can download your free copy of my new ebook: 6 Smart Moves To Your ThriveLife click the button below.

#3 - When you’re ready to join a community of other busy 50+ Guys building their ThriveLives together, check out my new ThriveLife Transformation course. The ThriveLife Transformation guides you through a 30-day transformation process that includes online video training and daily support and assistance through our online community. Join alone or bring your friends. To learn more about the ThriveLife Transformation, click the button below.

Do You Know Somebody?

Do you know a 50+ Guy who’s struggling with their weight and fitness? Please consider sharing this information with them. Just forward your copy of this email to them. It might change their life!

(Or…give them a copy of my new ebook!!!)

Thanks for reading this week.

I write this newsletter to make a positive impact on the lives of 50+ Guys and their families. If you found this information useful, please consider subscribing to receive new editions each week.

If you’d like to share a thought, a question or comment with me, you can simply reply to this email. I’d love to hear from you!

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