Building Your Fit Identity

Building Fitness By Hacking Your Identity!

Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Welcome to the LenDentonThrive Letter, my weekly newsletter focused on helping 50+ Guys lose weight, get fit and stay fit for life… without crazy diets or grueling workouts.

Are you unhappy with your current level of fitness? Do you wish you were more fit and healthy, but are struggling to find the right path forward? Are old habits holding you back?

In this week’s edition of the LDT Letter, we’ll explore the mental aspect of becoming more fit - through hacking your identity!

Fitness Is Behavior

We are who our habits say we are.

Our current fitness levels, whether good or bad, are outcomes based on our past behavior and our current habits. 

And this, my friend, is good news! Why?

Because… if we don’t like our current fitness levels, we can change our habits to achieve new outcomes! And, your fit future lies just beyond those changes!

Better habits = better fitness!

The challenge is to simplify the change process. Let’s dive in.

Creating Change …Building Fit and Healthy Habits

Most of our everyday behavior is based on our habits and daily rituals. Changing or replacing these daily habits can be difficult. To most effectively create the behavior change we want and need, let’s check in with habits expert, James Clear. He’s the author of Atomic Habits, a great book on the art and science of building new habits. He identifies three layers of behavior change. Imagine them like the layers of an onion. This is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - Three Levels of Behavior Change

  • The first layer is changing your desired outcomes. This is traditional goal setting. An example of changing your outcomes might be setting a goal to lose 25 pounds.

  • The second layer is changing your processes. This level is concerned with changing your habits and systems. Examples of changing your processes could include going to the gym three times a week or eating healthier. Changing your processes to replace unhealthy habits with healthier habits is a good step in the right direction. 

  • The third and deepest layer is changing your identity. This level is concerned with your beliefs, and more importantly, your self-image! 

To summarize these three layers: Outcomes are what you get. Processes are about what you do. Identity is about what you believe. 

All three of these levels are important in the overall task of creating behavior change and new outcomes. Many people begin changing their habits by focusing on what they want to achieve. This is outcome-based goal setting. 

I believe that a more effective way to effect change is to use an identity-based approach that focuses on who we wish to become!

Introducing “Fit Len”

When I initially began my ThriveLife journey, I was a typical busy, unhealthy 50-Plus Guy. I was 70 pounds overweight with high cholesterol. My doctor told me that I was a poster child for a heart attack or stroke. My condition was the cumulative result of many years of bad eating and fitness habits.

My doctor’s warning really motivated me. I knew I needed a change, and I needed it fast.  So, I changed several things all at once. I changed my eating and began a daily exercise routine, primarily based on walking 10,000 steps a day. These were process-based changes to address the diet and exercise components that I knew needed improvement. 

One additional change I made was to imagine a fitter and healthier future version of myself. I called this imaginary persona “Fit Len.” 

Fit Len became the better version of myself. When I was tempted to revert to old eating habits, I would ask myself: “Would Fit Len eat that?” 

The answer was usually: “Fit Len would choose the steak and broccoli instead of the pizza.”

Or when I was tempted to skip a workout, I’d ask: “Would Fit Len take the day off?”

The answer was: “Fit Len will see you on the walking trail!”

Fit Len became a useful device to challenge my old behaviors and encourage me to dig deeper to achieve my imaginary alter ego’s new vision of health and fitness. Fit Len was an important part of my ThriveLife success, helping me to lose 70 pounds in less than seven months. (A few years later, James Clear published Atomic Habits, which gave a name to identity-based habit change - like Fit Len!)

So, as you think about building your fit future, remember to think about Fit John, or Fit Greg, or Fit (Your Name Here). Create your fit new identity first, then build from there. 

Enjoy the journey!

When you’re ready for a real and sustainable fitness transformation, here are three ways I can help you:

#1 - Sign up for this newsletter. Every week, you’ll receive tested, actionable tips and strategies to help you build your own customized version of the ThriveLife that fits your needs, preferences, and personal style. And, it’s free!

#2 - For a Do-It-Yourself approach to the ThriveLife, download your free copy of my new ebook: 6 Smart Moves To Your ThriveLife. Just click the button below.

#3 - When you’re ready to join a community of other busy 50+ Guys building their ThriveLives together, check out my new ThriveLife Transformation course. The ThriveLife Transformation guides you through a 30-day transformation process which includes online video training and daily support and assistance through our online community. Join alone or bring your friends. To learn more about the ThriveLife Transformation, click the button below.

Do You Know Somebody?

Do you know a 50+ Guy who’s struggling with their weight and fitness? Please consider sharing this information with them. Just forward your copy of this email to them. It might change their life!

(Or, give them a free copy of my 6 Smart Moves ebook!)

Thanks for reading this week.

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