7 Reasons to Build Your ThriveLife in 2025

Thrive in 2025!

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Happy New Year! 

New year…New Me?

Have you ever heard that phrase? 

It’s a common meme that shows up every New Year. It implies a fresh start and the new opportunities that lie ahead. It’s also an invitation to make the changes required to achieve that new part of ‘Me/(You)’ that you’re seeking. We call them New Year’s Resolutions.

For most guys, the top resolutions every year are:

  • Lose weight

  • Eat better

  • Exercise more

Sadly, most resolutions aren’t a very effective way to create lasting change. That’s because resolutions are simply about setting goals, and relying on willpower to reach those goals. A more effective way to reach your goals is to create systems of small daily habits to achieve your fitness goals.

Eleven years ago, on January 1, 2014, I embarked on a new journey to become more fit and healthy. I was a busy 55-year-old business guy, 70 pounds overweight, with high cholesterol. I had failed at diets, gym memberships, and CrossFit. My doctor had even told me that I was a poster child for a heart attack or stroke!

But only seven months later, I had lost 70 pounds, and my cholesterol was down 60 points! I went from a size 40 to a size 32! And I felt healthier than I’d felt in my 40s. Today, I’m 66 and I use the same strategy to stay at my goal weight and remain strong and healthy.

I call this my ThriveLife. It’s a strategy built around three simple principles that have helped me lose weight, get fit, and stay fit for years. Those simple principles are:

  1. Eating Smarter - the weight loss battle is won in the kitchen! I made some smart changes to my diet that allowed me to eliminate bad, fat-producing foods without being hungry

  2. Moderate Cardio - Zone 2 cardio is the fastest way to burn fat. I lost 70 pounds walking every day. Brisk walking is all the cardio you need!

  3. Moderate Strength Training - I used dumbbells and body weight exercises to gain muscle as I lost weight.   

My ThriveLife works for me every day to help me stay fit, strong, and active. It will work for you too. If you’re a busy 50+ Guy like me, here are 7 reasons why you should think about building your own ThriveLife in 2025.

1 - The ThriveLife is specifically designed for busy 50+ Guys like you and me. I created ThriveLife as a busy 55-year-old. I didn’t have time to spend hours a week in the gym. I was also traveling a lot for my business, so I needed a solution that could travel with me. 

2 - The ThriveLife makes fitness attainable. You don’t need to spend hours a week at the gym to lose weight and get fit. The ThriveLife’s smart daily habits made it possible for me to integrate fitness into my daily routines. 

3 - TheThriveLife makes fitness sustainable. It’s designed to be a lifestyle. The ThriveLife became my smarter, not harder way to stay fit. My fitness routine involves only things I can do every day for the rest of my life. Activities like healthy eating and daily walking. So, the things that helped me become fit are the same things that will help me stay fit. 

4 - The ThriveLife fits your life. The ThriveLife is a framework, not a specific formula. It can be tuned to fit your specific needs and preferences. Do you like to work out alone, or with a buddy? You tune your diet to fit your appetite. Build your ThriveLife to fit YOU!

5 - The ThriveLife is Gym-Optional. The ThriveLife works with or without the gym. That’s because you don’t have to lift heavy to lose weight and get fit. If you’re a gym guy who likes to lift hard, do it. But, it’s not necessary for weight loss.  

6 - There are no crazy diets. Diets don’t work because they don’t last. So, we don’t do diets in the ThriveLife. Instead, we transform food from being your biggest enemy to being your biggest asset! We do that by eliminating the few bad foods that cause fat accumulation. The ThriveLife is a fitness approach for food lovers! 

7 - There are no grueling workouts. You simply can’t outwork a bad diet. The ThriveLife focuses on the power of Smart Eating coupled with the effectiveness of moderate cardio to reduce and eliminate your extra body fat. 

The ThriveLife is a food-first, gym-optional approach to building a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. If you want to improve your chances of thriving in 2025, consider building your own Thrivelife. 

When you’re ready for a real and sustainable fitness transformation, here are three ways I can help you:

#1 - Sign up for this newsletter. Every week, you’ll receive tested, actionable tips and strategies to help you build your own customized version of the ThriveLife that fits your needs, preferences, and personal style. And, it’s free!

#2 - For a Do-It-Yourself approach to the ThriveLife, download your free copy of my new ebook: 6 Smart Moves To Your ThriveLife. Just click the button below.

#3 - When you’re ready to join a community of other busy 50+ Guys building their ThriveLives together, check out my new ThriveLife Transformation course. The ThriveLife Transformation guides you through a 30-day transformation process which includes online video training and daily support and assistance through our online community. Join alone or bring your friends. To learn more about the ThriveLife Transformation, click the button below.

Do You Know Somebody?

Do you know a 50+ Guy who’s struggling with their weight and fitness? Please consider sharing this information with them. Just forward your copy of this email to them. It might change their life!

(Or, give them a free copy of my 6 Smart Moves ebook!)

Thanks for reading this week.

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